Saturday, March 6, 2010

MAK Logo

Introduction to MAK

Introducing you to our trust named "MAK Charitable Trust".
  • To prvide self suitable environment to take out the inner talent of the youth.
  • To aware the youth about the brighter side of INDIA.
  • To give appropriate direction to youth for their brighter career and enhance their knowledge.
  • To do appropriate social work and make INDIA literate.
  • To do an outstanding work in suitable environment to impart social work in the society to make Indian youth brighter.
  • To make INDIA literate in all aspects and to strenghthen the image of INDIA to make INDIA superior in the world.
  • Impart proper stage for the youth to develop their personality.
  • To aware the youth about brighter side of INDIA.
  • To give knowledge about the new discoveries and technologies in the world to youth.
  • To give proper direction to the youth for their brighter future.
  • To give contribution for growth of INDIA.